Поурочное планирование 10 класс Английский язык

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ies) Chllnging (challenging) Invntve (inventive) Devloment (development) Adv n ed (advanced) Crcil (crucial) Acelrate (accelerate) Prgramm (programme) Rspone (response) Dicovey (discovery)
Активизация навыков устной речи
People all over the world think about their future. Open your textbooks on page 120 and read the task of exercise 98. Divide into groups of four, please. Discuss the pictures and get ready to describe them to the classmates.
Anybody feels like speaking?
Are there any other versions to be heard?
(Учитель предлагает учащимся разделиться на группы и устно выполнить упр. 98 (учебник, с. 120). На работу отводится 3 -- 4 ми - нуты, а затем к доске выходят по одному ученики от каждой груп - пы, которые представляют свои варианты описания картинок. )
Развитие навыков аудирования
Id like you to look at the questions in your textbooks. Its exercise 99, page 121. We shall listen to the advertisement and try to understand it. Listen carefully. Id like to have your opinion.
Who will read and answer the first question?
(Учитель обращает внимание учащихся на вопросы из упр. 99 (учебник, с. 121) и предлагает детям прослушать рекламное объ - явление и выполнить задание. )
I can see you are tired. Its time to have a rest. Lets recite the poem and do exercises.
Tommy Thumbs, up! Tommy Thumbs, down!
Tommy Thumbs are dancing Together around the town! Dancing on your shoulders, Dancing on your knees, Dancing on your head And tuck them into bed! (Дежурный ученик проводит физкультминутку. ) Very good! Sit down, please.
Тренировка аудитивных навыков
Lets listen to the advert again. The task for you is exercise 3, page 62, in your workbooks. You can see the sentences and you will complete th

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