one fortune telling method involved several mirrors and a candle. The mirrors were placed to
reflect into one another, and a candle was placed before them. The resulting figure would
give a clue as to who the future beloved would be.
T: - Choose the right answer
1)True 2)False 3) Not stated
A. Christmas Day was the first day of the six-week Christmas fast.
B. January 7th by the Gregorian Calendar would have been December 25th by the old Julian Calendar.
C. The head of the household threw a spoonful outside for Grandfather Frost, saying "here is a spoonful for thee; please do not touch our crops".
D. Svyatki was the period between New Years and St. Valentines Day.
Учащиеся выполняют задание 5 в макете рабочей тетради (слайд 10).
A -2),
B - 3),
C - 1),
D - 2)
Послетекстовый этап:
T: -Read the sentences you have given from the text for your article about Christmas in Russia in your school newspaper.
Учащиеся читают предложения из текста.
8. Заключительный этап урока 2 мин
Домашнее задание. Подведение итогов.
T: -Students, you have learnt a lot of useful and interesting information about holidays in different countries and I am sure that you will respect the religious feelings of all people all over the world. I advise you to divide into 2 groups: the students from the first group will write down the article about one of the holidays in Russia; the students from the second group will create an interview about different holidays with a student of any religions. You can use exercise 51, page 105. It will be your homework. I advise you to use the Internet Resources:
1. http://ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/D0EEE6E4E5F1F2E2EED5F
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