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t, transport immediately to the hospital.
d) Place a tourniquet at the stub where the finger was severed to control bleeding transport to hospital immediately.
88) What is the CPR procedure for a six-year-old boy?
a) 15 compressions, 1 breath, 5 cycles in 1 minute
b) 15 compressions, 2 breaths, 4 cycles in 1 minute
c) 5 compressions, 1 breath, 12 cycles in 1 minute
d) 3 compressions, 1 breath, 20 cycles in 1 minute
89) What is the first thing you should do for someone you suspect has an
electrical burn?
a) Check for breathing and a pulse
b) Check to see if electricity is turned off
c) Check for severe bleeding
d) Check for shock
90) A boy is shot with an arrow through the chest and out the back, what would be the best course of action?
a) Remove the arrow and apply sterile gauze to the wound.
b) Do not remove the arrow, place several dressing around the arrow to keep it from moving,bandage the dressings in place around the arrow.
c) Do not remove the arrow; break off the part out the back, bandage with dressing around the arrow to hold it in place.
d) Remove the arrow, wash the area, and bandage with sterile gauze.
91) A girl is unconscious, she is heavily dressed and her skin is reddish, dry and hot, what should you do?
a) Call 911, begin CPR.
b) Call for an ambulance; loosen tight clothing, check for breathing and pulse.
c) Check for breathing and pulse, Call 911, get the girl out of the heat, loosen tight clothing, and cool her off any way you can.
d) None of the above
92) A boy has a sliver in his eye, you should. . . .
a) attempt to remove the splinter with tweezers.
b) flush the eye with cool water or milk.
c) Leave the sliver in, Call for help.

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