Personality & Behavior

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речевые клише)
Учитель:Now that you have revised the vocabulary, well get down to the final part of our lesson "Opinion game". The rules of the game are the following:
One pupil from the class leaves the classroom for2-3 minutes. While this person is out, the rest of you write small messages "opinions" about him/her. Now look at the smart board. (компьютерная презентация- слайд 30) You can see the example of the message. - Read aloud, please. (учитель обращается к ученикам с просьбой прочитать образец записки)
Ill give you out small sheets of paper and you will write your anonymous messages. Dont sign them but remember that you can write only nice, kind or funny things to your friends. After you write your messages, I will collect them and will read aloud.
Учитель: Does anyone want to hear his classmates opinions about himself/herself ? Put up your arm!
Ученик: I do.
Учитель: Good. Here is the card with Social English for you. When you hear the" opinion", you must first guess who the author is and then you react using the expressions from the right column. Now stay outside until we call you. (ученики пишут мнения. Через 2-3 мин. учитель собирает записки учащихся и зовет ученика за дверью)
Учитель:Now I will read the opinions and you guess the author. You agree or disagree with his opinion. Are you ready?
Ученик: Yes, I am.
Учитель: Well, here it goes. (учитель читает тексты и по ходу чтения поправляет некорректные фразы)
You are reliable and honest. You never let your classmates down. Besides, you are talented but I wish you were not so shy. Guess who I am.
Ученик: On the whole, I agree with this opinion but I am not shy, I am modest.
Учитель: Who do you think is the author?

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