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In the Palace of Westminster" .
Слайд 3.
Look at the board. What can you see on this picture?
Thats right! This is the Houses of Parliament.
At our lesson well know t a lot of interesting things about it.
For example, did you know? The word parliament comes from the French word parler which means to speak. And etc.
Слайд 4.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
Происходит презентации новых лексических единиц и дальнейшее автоматизация уже знакомой лексики по данной теме, которую учащиеся уже встречали раньше в рецептивном плане. Учащиеся догадываются о значении интернациональных слов.
3. Активизация имеющихся знаний у детей.
Речевая зарядка.
For our game we must have two teams. (учащиеся делятся на две команды)
Now we have 2 teams. But first your greetings! And who is your captains?
One team is "Monarchy". Another is "Federation". Each team has a card with questions. You have 3-4 minutes to answer of them.
Good luck!!!
Слайд 5.
Lets check your answers.
One right answer - one point.

4. Введение нового лексического материала.
Today we are going to learn new words. Look and repeat after me.
Слайд 6.
5. Социокультурная информация.
Open your books at page 56, ex. 2.
Чтение задания к упражнению и работа с картинками, параллельно на проектере теже картинки. Слайд 8,9,10.
6. Минутка отдыха.
Lets have a rest! (на мр-3 плеере включить запись звуков природы).
Close your eyes! Relax! OK! And now imagine the color of the summer sky, sea, listen the sounds of birds. And listen to the story.
A father bought a bicycle for his son. He watched proudly as his son rode round and round the house. On his first round he shouted: "Look,

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