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l agency, plan our holiday activities, book tickets, make a hotel reservation, go by train or by plane, arrive to the place of destination and enjoy our vacation, visit sighs, go on excursions, make new friends.
Today well discuss one of the most important steps in your planning a vocation. I offer 潹潴朠敵獳椠圠瑡档琠敨瘠摩潥映汩湡湡睳牥琠敨焠敵瑳潩獮愠瑦牥椠圍敨敲搠敯桴潣癮牥慳楴湯琠歡汰捡㽥名敨挠湯敶獲瑡潩慴敫汰捡瑡愠琠慲敶条湥祣മ桗瑡愠敲琠敨猠数歡牥㽳名敨猠数歡牥牡牴癡汥愠敧瑮愠摮愠栠汯摩祡慭敫
(учащиеся знакомятся с вопросами, смотрят видео файл и отвечают на вопросы)
So, today well visit a travel agency, study some peculiarities in the job of a travel agent and try ourselves in the role of travel agents.
(учитель сообщает план урока)
Stages of our work.
Home task checking. (history of travel agencies)
Grammar rules revision. (modal verbs MUST, SHOULD, NEED to)
Listening comprehension. (professional qualities of a modern travel agent)
Speaking (dialogues on the topic)
Совершенствование навыков чтения с извлечением детальной информации. (проверка домашнего задания)
At home youve read the text about the history of travel agencies. Lets summarize the information , answer my questions and speak about the importance of travel agencies in the life of holidaymaker in all the times. Have a look at the slide.
Who is the person on the photo?
It is Thomas Cook. He organized first travel agencies.
When and where did the first travel agencies appear?
The first travel agencies appeared in 1841 in England.
Were they popular?
Yes, they were. More than 30 travel agencies were organized by Thomas Cook.
учащиеся отвечают на вопросы по тексту домашнего чтения, обобщают информацию)
5. Совершенствование навыков аудирования с извлечением детальной информации
As you can see travel agencies have alway

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