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ion, to fill in the customs declaration, to read the travel leaflets, to visit a travel agency.
(учащиеся повторяют за учителем слова на слайде, переводят их и отвечают на вопросы)
Who is a holidaymaker?
A holidaymaker is a person who plans his holiday.
Where do people travel?
People travel abroad and around their country.
Have you ever been to a resort?
Yes, I have been to a resort this summer. We spent together with my family two weeks at the seaside. We got their by bus/car/train . We sunbathed and swam in the sea there. We visited sights of the city.
When do people fill in customs declaration?
People fill in customs declaration when they travel abroad.
How can people get to the place of their destination?
People can travel by bus, by plane or by train. I like to travel by train. Last holiday we travelled together with my family to the seaside by train.
What documents do people need for travelling abroad?
For travelling abroad people need a visa, a passport, customs declaration.
Погружение в проблему. Сообщение темы урока. Аудирование с извлечением основной информации.
OK. It is very good for you. So, planning a holiday is a very important task. It includes a number of steps, which should be followed only in the correct order. Have a look at the slide, you see some of these steps, try to arrange them in the correct order.
Arrive in the place of destination;
Plan holiday activities;
Go to the station or to the airport;
Visit a travel agency;
Enjoy the vacation;
(учащиеся выстраивают логическую последовательность шагов по планированию путешествия)
Do you always follow these steps planning your trip?
Yes, we always plan our trip according to this plan. We go to the trave

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