Организация Объединенных Наций

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о укоренившиеся проблемы
5) troops were removed- войска были выведены
6) to have an effect on relations-повлиять на отношения
7) a superpower-сверхдержава
8) a summit-встреча в верхах

Учащиеся соединяют две части одного предложения и следят за тем, чтобы не повторять уже названные предложения. Побеждает тот, кто составит все предложения быстрее всех.
1. The country badly needed reform, although few could foresee its effect.
2. Gorbachev approached the problems of this country by introducing two new policies.
3. His aims were to identify those areas that needed reform and encourage popular debate about how best to deal with them.
4. The problems turned out to be so deep-rooted that only radical reforms could solve them.
5. In 1988 Soviet troops were removed from Afghanistan after nine years of bitter fighting.
6. The initial optimism did have an effect on relations between the Soviet Union and the West.
7. As early as November 1985, Gorbachev met US president Ronald Reagan reigsn at Geneva ch;9ni:v3 for the first superpower summit since
8. The summit showed that a new atmosphere of cooperation between the two countries was emerging.

П Кл.

П У1

У1 У2

УМК "English" Афанасьева О. В. упр. 37стр. 95

Мультимедийная доска, проектор
2. 1. . Проверка домашнего задания


Great! As you know, The United Nations Organization was founded in 1945 after the World War ІІ to establish a lasting peace. You home task was to make a project work about this organ

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