guage. At the air port you must make out the number of your flight. Now listen and write down the number of your flight. (Учащиеся прослушивают аудиозапись объявлений полётов и на листах отмечают номер рейса на Лондон).
Passengers to Glasgow on Flight BD 554 - this flight is now boarding at gate number 3. BD 554 to Glasgow is now boarding at gate number 3.
Passengers to London on Flight BD 349 - this flight is now boarding at gate number 7. BD 349 to London is now boarding at gate number 7.
Now you know the number of our flight and we may get on the plane.
Stage 4. In the plane
We are in the plane. But first let us see what there is on the plane. Please read the cards and translate them into Russian. (Учащиеся получают карточки и по очериди читают их и переводят на русский язык).
Attention, please!
Fasten safty bells
Do not smoke
Now you know how to behave on board a plane.
About 3 hours have passed and we are in Londjn, the capital pf Britain.
Stage 5. London Zoo
Our first stop is London Zoo. It is one of the biggest zoos in the world. Unfortunately, they have had an accident here today. Some animals have got out of their cages. Please, help the guards of the zoo. First, describe the distinctive marks of each animal and then put them in their own cages. (Учащиеся по очереди описывают животных, нарисованных на картинках и к каждой картинке подбирают нужную табличку). Пример ответа ученика:
It is big. It is strong. It is yellow and white. It has four legs. It can jump. It can run. It cfn,t fly. Its name is the tiger.
Thank you for your work.
Stage 6. Lunch
Big Ben has struck one. It is time for lunch. Lunch is the second breakfast. The English usua
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