Обучение технологии написания личного письма на английском языке

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м задании, инструкция по его выполнению. Домашнее задание: написать письмо заграничному другу, учитывая специфику его составления.
Студентам раздается фрагмент письма, на которое они должны ответить.
Guess what? Ive decided to spend my summer holidays in your country so I can learn the language properly. Ill need to get a temporary job while you Im there. I could pick fruit on a farm, maybe or work part-time as a cleaner in a local hospital. Which do you think I should choose? say which and why. Remember, Ive got to learn the language, too! Accommodations is another consideration. Should I stay with a family while Im there, do you think? yes, give reasons.
By the way, Im not sure what your weather like in summer is. Can you let me know? give details Itd be great to see you while Im over! May be we can spend a weekend together, if you are free in August? apologise and say why not
Write soon!
VIII. Подведение итогов урока. Контроль и самооценка знаний.

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