Новогодние традиции: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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nuary. (New Year)
3. He always comes in the night of New Year and brings presents to obedient boys and girls. (Father Frost/Santa Claus)
4. We decorate it when it is New Year with garlands, colorful balls and other toys. (New Year Tree)

Конкурс 1 - "Decorating the New Year Tree"
Teacher: So, we always have a lot of associations when we speak about New Year and Christmas. And of course we cant imagine New Year without the beautiful New Year Tree. Do you decorate the New Year Tree at home? (Ученики отвечают, украшают ли они новогоднюю елку. Если возникают трудности, можно спросить каждого ученика отдельно. ) Well, lets also decorate the New Year Tree in our classroom. We have two New Year Trees. The rules of the game are the following: each member of your teams comes up top me by one, takes a toy from this box, names it in English and puts on the tree. If you dont know the name of the toy you may ask for help of your team. If nobody knows it you just put it back in the box and sit down. Is the task clear for you?

Побеждает команда, на елке которой больше игрушек.

Конкурс 2 - "Congratulations"

Teacher: Well, on holidays we usually congratulate our parents, relatives and friends. But how do we do it? What do we say? Do you know some congratulations in English?(Учащиеся называют поздравления, которые они знают, возможно, даже не связанные с Новым годом. )Well done. And now lets look at our New Year Trees once more. There are some cards on them. Do you see? (До этого учитель или его помощник развешивает на одной из ёлок новогодние открытки, на которых написаны поздравления. Каждая открытка имеет свой номер. На другой ёлке висят такие же открытки с такими же номерами, но в которых написаны русск

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