Non-verbal communication is a key to success

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t countries
Tell about the origin of certain gestures.
The object is a non-verbal communication.
The aim of our study is to prove that non-verbal cross-cultural communication skill helps us to make relationships with people from other cultures.
Posture is the position of the body. The human body can take about 1000 sustained various provisions. Pose illustrates how the person perceives its status in relation to the other people. Persons with higher status take a more relaxed posture. Otherwise, you might experience situations of conflict. Posture in which the person tends to cross his arms and legs, is called closed. A closed posture is perceived as a posture of mistrust, disagreement, opposition, criticism.
Open is considered to pose, in which the hands and feet are not crossed, building body is directed towards the interlocutor, and the Palm of the hand and foot are deployed to the communication partner. It is a posture of trust, harmony, kindness, psychological comfort.
The best way to achieve mutual understanding with your interlocutor is copying his pose and gestures.
Facial expressions are mostly similar in most cultures as many of them like smile and cry are innate. According to researches, six expressions are universal; they are, happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, anger and surprise. But it might also be different like the extent to which people show these feelings, in some cultures people express openly and in some people do not.
Nods might also mean different things causing problems like when the person nods to say yes, other people might understand it as a no. In Japan, when you nod, they can just take it as a signal that you are listening to them.
Eye Contact
Western cultures mostly consider eye contac

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