Natural Disasters

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s watch the video about natural disasters. And then we are having a quiz:

III. Now lets answer the questions.
What is . . . ?
Which of these natural phenomena is the most dangerous? Why?
Have you ever seen anything like this yourself?
Where do . . . often happen on the Earth?
What famous volcanoes do you know? Where are they?
Why do people give names to tornadoes? to typhoons? to hurricanes?
IV. Do you know that there are ten most dangerous volcanoes in the world? Scientists say that if they explode together it will be the end of the world. Lets learn them.
Mount Cotopaxi (South America)
Mount Tambora ; Kratakoa (Indonesia)
Mount Pelee (Martinigue)
Pinatubo (Philipines)
Mount Fuji (Tokyo)
Mauna Loa (Hawaii)
St. Helens (United States)
Mount Vesuvius; Etna (Italy).
V. Work in pairs and discuss these notions? Share your knowledge with your partner:

Crater lava
Energy of volcanoes magma

Volcano eruption good farmlands

Translate these sentences into Russian (Обучающиеся с учителем переводят эти предложения - учащиеся помечают в тетрадях новые словосочетания).
1) Volcano is a big mountain with a hole in it called crater and lava inside it.
2) Sometimes lava goes out of volcano together with pieces of rock ash and gas which is called volcano eruption.
3) The dust from volcanoes can keep the sunlight from getting to the earth.
4) Some volcanoes erupt very often like Italys Mount Etna, which erupts every few years.
5) Volcanic lava creates good farmlands.
6) Some countries use the energy of volcanoes to produce electric power.
7) Lava is the very hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano.
V. Li

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