Национальный спорт Великобритании

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irls run races (состязаются в скорости), and even train (тренируются) for them.
Naturally animals dont race unless they are made to run (как-то заставить их бежать) in some way. Horses are ridden, of course. Dogs wont race unless they have something to chase (преследовать), so they are given a hare (заяц) to go after.
The most famous boat-race is between Oxford and Cambridge. It is rowed over a course on the river Thames. The 8 rowers in each boat have a great struggle, and at the end, there is usually a short distance between (небольшое расстояние между) the winners (победители) and the losers (проигравшие).
The University boat-race started in 1820 and has been rowed on the Thames every spring.
The Highland Games
Scottish Highland games (состязание шотландских горцев) include tossing the caber (метание шеста), putting the weight (поднятие веса), and throwing the hammer (метание молота), dancing and piping (игра на волынке) competitions.
Highland dancing is performed (исполняется) to bagpipe (волынка) music by men and women, such as the Sword Dance (танец с саблями) and the Reel(хороводный танец) .
These meetings are held every year in different places of the Scottish Highlands. They include the clans dressed in kilts (клетчатая юбка в складку), tartan plaids (шотландский) плед and plumed bonnets (шляпа с перьями).
II. Now you are welcome to fill in the table and then relate about the different kinds of sport in Britain.
The Highland Games

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