My pet

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d cheese. It lives in the house. (A mouse)
This animal can be black, grey, white or red. It lives in the house. It can catch grey mouse. It likes milk, meat and fish. It can jump, run, climb and walk. (A cat)
hat has a red bushy tail is ………. (a fox)
The animal that is very timid and afraid of everything ………(a hare)
The animal that sleeps all winter in a …. ( a bear)
The animal that has long mane round its neck is……. (a lion)
The animal that has a long trunks is ……. . (an elephant)
Thank you very much. And now would you like to guess the crossword and find the main word?
It is brown. It lives in the forest and likes honey very much. (a bear)
It has no legs. It is very long. (a snake)
It lives on the tree. It likes nuts and mushrooms. (a squirrel)
This animal has a long tail. It can hang on the trees. (a monkey)
This animal can be white and grey. Its ears are long and tail is short. It likes cabbage and carrot. (a hare)
This is a big animal. It is grey. Its ears are very big. Its trunks is long. (an elephant)
They are cats babies. They are very funny. They like to play. (kittens)
Предложения. Согласен, несогласен.
Now youll agree or disagree with me. Listen to me carefully. If I am right repeat my sentence. If I am not right disagree with me.
Cocks can swim. (Cocks cant swim)
Spiders have got seven legs. (Spiders have got eight legs)
Lions can run. (Lions can run)
Cats have got sharp teeth. (Cats have got sharp teeth)
Rabbits have got short ears. (Rabbits have got long ears)
Frogs cant jump. (Frogs can jump)
Mice have got short tails. (Mice have got long tails)
4. Физкульминутка
I can see you are tired. S

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