My pet

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>Грамматический материал: Present Simple, have got, can.
Лексический материал: повторение изученных и введение новых слов – названий домашних животных.
Содержательная часть урока.
Организационный момент. Этап введения учащихся в урок. 2 минуты
Good afternoon, glad to see you! How are you?
I hope you are ready to work hard at our lesson. As you guess today well continue to talk about animals. Well also listen to your dialogues and reports. I believe the lesson will be interesting for you and youll enjoy it. Now lets repeat the names of animals. Look at the blackboard and say : What animals can you see?
2. Проверка домашнего задания и актуализация знаний, полученных на прошлых уроках упр. 9, 10 стр. 69
Its time your dialogues now. It was your home task. Who wants to start? (9 с. 68)
Этап всесторонней проверки знаний
Загадки на англ. яз.
This animal lives in the forest. Its neither big nor small. It likes to eat carrots and it is afraid of a fox and a wolf. This animal can run very fast. (A hare)
This animal is very big. It is grey and sometimes white. It has a very long nose. It lives in India and Africa. It likes to eat leaves and grass. (An elephant)
This animal lives at home or in the street. It is a mans friend. It can run, but cant fly and climb. It is very clever and friendly. (A dog)
This animal lives in the river or near the water. It is green. It can jump and swim, but it can neither run nor climb. (A frog)
Gena is not a boy. He is big, long and green. He is very clever. It can swim. He has a friend Cheburashka. (A crocodile)
This animal is red and sly. It likes hens, cocks, hares and ducks. It lives in the forest. (A fox)
It is grey. It can run, jump and walk. It is very small. It likes bread an

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