Мы не идеальные студенты, а вы?

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ry day. )

5. How often do you get bad marks? (I get bad marks when I am not ready for the lesson.

6. And you, pupils, are you always polite to your teachers? (No, we are not. Sometimes we are impolite to our teachers.

7. You are ideal students, arent you? (No, we are not. We are not ideal students)

1. Чтение текста (во время прочтения текста, двое составляют слова из карточек)
Some pupils are not ideal and sometimes the teachers punish them. Today the aim of our task is to learn more about different kinds of punishment in British schools.
Liza and Roman , I give you these cards, you must to compare these expressions and different kinds of punishment. You have 3 min. Your time is up. Lets check. ex 86 page 82
Other students read the examples of punishment in your books. Open your st. books at page 82, and look at ex 85. Maria, begin, please.

2. Активизация лексики по теме.
Thank you! So, what do you think about these punishment? Maybe ex 90 can help you. . (отвечают на вопрос используя речевые примеры из упр. )
3. Ex 92 ( работают по группам) пишут на доске школьные правила
Now its time to know more about school rules, and maybe everyone will be a excellent student.

4. Диалоги
Every one of you at least once broke the rules
Divide into pairs and act out the dialogues. Other students you have to say what the punishment was and why? (двое читают диалог остальные слушают, чтобы ответить на вопрос)

You are late for a lesson
Jack: Excuse me, may I come in?
Good morning!
Teacher: Good morning, my dear.
I am glad to see you. Whats up?
Why do you late for a lesson?
Jack: I dont like to get up early in the morning.
Teacher: It doesnt m

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