re you? (3x)
P SS: Im fine(3x)
well start our lesson.
1 Checking the home task
T SS: What was your home task? Are you ready?
P SS: Ex. 3,4-p. 43
Write the questions.
Do they play football?
Do we play leap-frog?
Do you like tag?
Do they play asyks?
Do we play hide-and-seek?
- Have you learnt the words?
Checking the words.
P SS:(Football, basketball, cycling, tennis, badminton, skating etc)
2. Information about lesson. Slide 1.
Divide two group (Old, New)
T SS: Be ready and be active . Which group very fast and clever and I will be give smile cards.
II. Warming-up
3. Vocabulary game "Bottle
Do you play basketball?
Do you play football?
Do you play tag?
4. Phonetic exercise.
Children look at the pictures. I want to teach how to pronounce some sounds in English . Listen and repeat after me: Sound -ou house, count, mouse
T SS: Look at the interactive board and listen. This is a video about Kazakh national house. Балалар бұрын балалар киіз үйдің қасында асық ойнаған. Алдында біз асық және ұлттық ойындар туралы айттық енді бүгін біз үй туралы айтамызю
Today we will be know . . . WHAT?
P SS: My House
T SS: Yes
Teacher does: Show cards say: My house- Менің үйім
5. Vocabulary time Slide (9-13)
T SS: Listen and repeat.
House- үй
Floor- қабат
one floor-two floors-1 қабат, 2 қабат
new- жаңа
old- ескі
big- үлкен
small- кішкентай
P SS: big, small
6. Teacher does: Show pictures and give information about there is/ there are
There is 1 floor in the house
There are 2 floors in the house
There is 1 balloon
There are 5 balloons
There is 1 pen on the table
There are 5 pens on the ta
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