My family

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. Listen and sing (track 3)
Encourage pupils to sing a song Exercise 3 page 9. Ask pupils to stand up dance and sing together (track 3):
Hello! Hello! How are you? How are you?
Hello! Hello! How are you? How are you?
Im fine. Im great! Im wonderful!
Im fine. Im great! Im wonderful!

Sing the songs with children:
"Make a circle. "
Before singing the song, gather the class in a circle with everyone holding hands. Here you can practice some of the actions in the song and more. Say, "Lets make a BIIIIIG circle!" and then have everyone say, "HELLO!" Then say, "Lets make a small circle. . . smaller. . . smaller. . . " Whisper, "Hello" to everyone. Then say loudly, "BIG circle. " Practice going round and round, reaching up and down and other actions like jumping, hopping, touching your nose/ears/head, etc.
After you have played the song for several weeks, have one of the children be the circle leader and call out commands. You can alternate circle leaders each week.
This is a great song for classroom management. Not only does it teach children useful everyday classroom language like "make a circle" and "sit down," but at the end of the song, students are seated and ready for the next language activity.
"Seven Steps": Counting from 1-7 forwards and backwards.
Game "Were going to the zoo"
Teacher says : Goodbye, class! And waves her hand. Teacher asks the children to repeat Goodbye, (teachers name).

Home work: page 9, exercise 3

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