Мy daily routine

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n you go to the greengrocers?
Of course. But I need. . . . . . . time for my shopping, because I have to go to the butchers in town. This morning I wanted to buy. . . . . . . lamb chops in the village, but there werent. . . . in. . . . . of the supermarkets.
Dont worry, I can wait until you come back. Ill read. . . . . of your fashion magazines, or maybe Ill have a little nap.
Okay, see you later, then.
Key: 1 some, 2 some, 3 any, 4 some, 5 any, 6 some, 7 some, 8 some,9 some, 10 any, 11 some, 12 some, 13 some, 14 some, 15 any, 16 any, 17 some.
7) Аудирование.
Listen and tell me please, why is Peter Bored?
Why is Peter Bored? Why Does He Feel Like a Robot?
- Every day I get up at a quarter to eight. I get dressed, I have my breakfast, I go to technical school at half past nine, I come home at about twenty to four, I do my homework, I watch TV, I get undressed and I go to bed at a quarter to eleven. And then the next day, I get up again at a quarter to eight, I get dressed, I. . .
Every day is the same. Im bored. I feel like a robot.
Do you tidy your room or wash up or iron your clothes or go to the shops?
No, I dont like to do housework.
Do you do any sport?
Well, I dont like sport - except on TV.
Go and see your friends.
Oh, they are all busy on Saturdays. Tom plays football, Jane has piano les - sons, and Jack helps in his parents shop.
Im bored. Мне скучно.
I feel like a robot . Я чувствую себя как робот.
tidy your room убирать свою комнату
wash up or iron your clothes мыть посуду или гладить свою одежду
go to the shops ходить в магазины за покупками
do (the) housework заниматься до - машней работой
do a (some) sport заниматься спор - том
except кроме
play fo

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