Мy daily routine

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Is there any milk in the fridge? В холодильнике есть молоко?
There is not any milk in the fridge. / В холодильнике нет молока.
I need a knife. Any knife would do. / Мне нужен нож. Любой нож подойдет.
1. Use either how much, or how many.
1. people -- your company - to employ
How many people does your company employ?
2. money - secretaries - to earn per month
3. hours per day - employees - to work
4. time - workers -- to have for their lunch breaks
5. holidays per year - they - to be entitled to
6. flexibility - you -- to allow your workers
Key: 2. How much money do your secretaries earn per month? 3. How many hours per day do your employees work? 4. How much time do your workers have for their lunch breaks? 5. How many holidays per year are they entitled to? 6. How much flexibility do you allow your workers?
2. Use any or some.
Lucy, her mother-in-law, drops in unexpectedly
Oh, hello, Lucy, how nice to see you. Would you like some coffee?
No, thanks, I just had. . . . . . But maybe I could have. . . . . cake.
Im terribly sorry, but there isnt. . . . . What about. . . . . . of our chocolate biscuits? Theyre freshly made.
No, thanks, I prefer plain biscuits. I dont suppose you have. . . . ,do you?
No, Im sorry. I dont, You really dont want anything to drink?
Well, if I could have. . . . tea?
Yes, of course, I just made. . . . . . You take milk with your tea,dont you? There is still. . . . . . . milk in the fridge. But Im afraid I have to go shopping now before the stores close. Yesterday we had. . . . . . people over for dinner, and there isnt. . . . . . . beer or wine left.
Oh, if you go shopping, I need. . . . . . fresh fruit. Could you get me. . . . . whe

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