usic helps me to live and learn.
Music is the universal language of the world. Longfellow (слайд 5)
-What do you feel when you listen to music?
P. When I listen to music I forget about everything.
P. When I listen to music I want to sing and dance.
P. When I listen to music it makes me think of happy .
P. When I listen to music I dream about my future life.
P. When I listen to music I see green forests, high mountains, deep sees and rivers.
-. And I fully agree with you. When I listen to music I forget about problems and think about nothing but music.
Слайд 6)
But at first you should be divided into two groups and guess the kind melodies.
Musical instruments (слайд 7) new words.
Мusical styles (слайд 14)
- Do you know British and American legendary singers? (Слайд 26)
A. Celentano
Beyonce and Shakira
E. Presley
M. Jackson
W. Houston
The Beatles
Justin Timberlake
Now listen to some melodies .
Now Ill read some information about kinds of music and you must fill the table. (Слайд 28)
T. 1. Some people say it is difficult to understand this music. It is played by big orchestras. If you listen to this music often enough and attentively, you will enjoy Mozart and Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich. (Symphony)
2. This music is popular mostly with young people. It is performed by modern electronic instruments. There are hard and heavy-metal styles. (Rock)
3. This music lives for centuries. Every nation has its own national music and dance ensembles. (Folk)
4. It is a musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words. (Rap)
5. It is an American style
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