Музыка и музыкальные группы

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Записывает на доску звуки и слова с этими звуками.
Teacher: Here we have some letters on the white board. Lets try to pronounce them
Повторяют за учителем, затем произносят слова самостоятельно
ju: music, musician
U number, punk, drums
u instruments

i piano, guitar, sing, listen
ai like, hi, bagpipe
4. Проверка домашнего задания
Предлагает правильные ответы, контролирует процесс проверки учащимися д/з.
Teacher: Your home work was to read a text about a music band and fill in the gaps in the text. Please, exchange your exercise books with your neighbor and check the answers with the ones you can see on the white board.
Проверяют д/з
5. Актуализация субъективного опыта учащихся
Развитие навыков чтения с извлечением необходимой информации
Предъявляет текст для чтения и вопросы к нему, разъясняет задание.
Teacher: Look at the photo of this music band. Do you know it? If not, you are going to read the text about this band now and find out some facts about it. Try to work with your neighbor in order to answer the following questions.
Читают тексты , находят необходимую информацию

U2 are an Irish rock band from Dublin. The group consists of Bono (lead vocals and rhythm guitar), the Edge (lead guitar, keyboard), Adam Clayton (bass guitar), and Larry Mullen (drums). U2 have got 13 studio albums and they have got 22 Grammy Awards. They have concerts in many countries: Ireland, Britain, Russia, USA, France, Spain and many others.

1. How many musicians are there in the band?
2. Where are they from?
3. What

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