Music keeps me happy

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r parents tried to give her best musical education possible. In 1956, she enrolled in music school 31 and went to the Ippolitov-Ivanov music college. She began her first performances when she still was at junior school. In the year of finishing school, in 1965, Alla composed and recoded her fist song Robot for a state radio morning programme Good Morning! Then she continued education in Moscow State Music College, the department of conducting and choir singing. In 1966 Pugacheva finished college and joined the group Yunost (youth) in there tour in Western Siberia. In 1967 she became a piano accompanist at the State Circus Musical college.
She recoded songs and took part in many competitions. In 1974 Pugacheva took the third place in the All-Union competition of musicians. But really big success came to her when she won the Grand Prix of the Golden Orpheus song contest with the song Harleguin in 1975. Another big achievement in Alla s career was her participation in a film A Woman Who Sings. Zerkalo dushi (mirror of Soul) was a collection of her songs from 1975-77.
Further career of pop –diva was much more successful, her songs were always hits and albums were bought in huge numbers. Alla Pugacheva is the best selling music artist in Russia

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P. I. Tchaikovsky
My favourite music is classical. When I listen to classical music it pictures in my mind fragments of my life, sad and funny, it depends on the nature of music. Music can change a persons life

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