Мои игрушки

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Тема: My toys.
1) научить детей называть игрушки и говорить о том, где они находятся;
2) развивать навыки аудирования, говорения и чтения.
Активная лексика/структуры: toy, teddy bear, toy soldier, ballerina, pink, shelf, on, under, in, toy box, his.
Повторение лексики/структур: rabbit, fish, frog, chimp, bird, horse, swim, jump. dance, fly, run, happy, sad; названия цветов.
Лексика для рецептивного усвоения: find, whats the matter? I dont know. Whats about. . ?

Ход урока:
1. Орг. момент.
oo Good morning, children! How are you?
Im glad to see you. There are a lot of guests at our lesson and we are glad to see them too. Im sure you have toys. And today we are going to play games, to speak about favourite toys. Lets begin our lesson.

2. Повторение лексики.
At first we should repeat.
oo Can a frog dance?
oo Can a horse fly?
oo Can a chimp sing?
oo Can a bird swim?
oo Can a fish swim?
oo Can a chimp dance?

3. Введение лексики структур.
-What is it?

oo What is it?

4. Закрепление лексики.
oo What is it? What colour is it?

oo What is it? What colour is it?

5. Физкультминутка.
Hands up! Hands down!
Hands on hip, sit down!
Stand up, hands to the sides
Bend left, bend right.
Hands on hips
One, two, three, hop
One, two, three, stop. Stand still!

6. - Well, boys and girls, open your books at p. 80. Listen and repeat.

7. Введение предлогов.

oo Wheres the teddy bear?

- Where are the toys?

8. Отработка употреб

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