English alphabet - конспект для урока

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Grade: 1                                                                                                                                                                              Subject: English language                                                                                                                                               Theme of the lesson: The Alphabet
Aim of the lesson: to fix pupils’ knowledge of Alphabet
Objects:                                                                                                                                                                   1)Systematize pupils'  knowledge of the alphabet;                                                                                                           2) Revision of previously learned letters and words;                                                                                                           3) Developing a phonemic skills "sound-letter- word".;                                                                                        Equipment: computer, projector, interactive board, cards – letters, cards – animals, video.

Organizational moment.

Greeting.  Questions: What’s your name?

What’s your surname?

How old are you?

Where do you live?

Where are you from?

What’s your favourite colour?

What’s your favourite toy?

What’s your favourite letter?

Theme.  Aims of the lesson. Motivaton.

Warm – up activity.

Singing a song of “ABC”.

Revision of “ABC”

On the blackboard  “ABC letters” capital and small.

Pupils  should to find a pair and match them.

For example: A-a, B-b, C-c, D-d, E-e, F-f  and etc.

And then an exercise where pupils should to find and circle only English letters.

For example: A, Ю, Ә, Л, Ө ,N, П, Q, R, Д, Ұ, G, Ы, L,V,Я, S,U,Щ, W.

(T. uses Russian, Kazakh and English letters)

Fixing of knowledge. Teacher on the interactive board shows animals and pupils should to choose what letter begin these words.

For example: Lion on the picture: A,H,L. Bear on the picture: G,B,D.

Monkey on the picture: N, M, S and etc.

Children work in group where they the first read these words on the interactive board and then should to choose the excess word in line.

For example:  Cat, fox, frog, wolf, book.

Green, red, mother, white, pink.

Milk, bread, cheese, bacon, pizza and etc.

Work with letters orally in pairs. Teacher gives for everyone some letters and pupils have to say what letter it is, sound and word on this letter.

For example:  Letter – K, sound- [ kei ] [кей], word – koala.

Physical training.

Teacher say English letters – pupils have to clap his hands, Kazakh letters – pupils have to freeze and Russian letters- pupils have to stomp his feet.

Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

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