Самостоятельная работа 1
Цели: формирование навыков употребления новой лексики и продуктивное ее применение при решении учебных задач на основе уже имеющихся знаний лексики и грамматики; развитие навыков устной речи
Вид самостоятельной работы: работа со словарем, создание презентации, выполнение упражнений к тексту
Форма контроля: устный опрос, проверка письменных работ, защита презентации
Время для выполнения задания: 8 часов
Выпишите из теста незнакомые для вас слова и переведите их с помощью словаря.
At the Food Shop
The Ivanovs leased a food shop. There are four of them: Pavel Petrovich, the head of the family, Vera Nikolaevna, his wife, Bob, their son, and Ann, their daughter. Pavel Petrovich is fifty. He is a hard- working and energetic man. Vera Nikolaevna is forty-five. She helps her husband in everything. She What can you see in this picture? We can see foodstuffs, vegetable, fruit and other aisles, meat and fish counters.
Works in the shop from morning till night. Bob and Ann help their parents about the shop in the morning and in the day-time. In the evening they study at the Institute of Trade. Bob is twenty- one. Ann is nineteen. The Ivanovs have many relatives and six of them work in this shop. They all work very hard. Its a self-service shop. There are many customers in their shop. They can buy all the necessary foodstuffs: meat, fish, milk, grocery, baking items, sweets, the cooked sausages, smoked foods, vegetables and fruit. In the meat aisle the customers can buy beef, pork, mutton, sometimes veal, poultry and game. They have a wide choice of fish. There is liv
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