s stopped laughing and the bold daisies covered the poor rose with their petals from the hot sun. The rose was shamed for her behavior and she made up her mind to be kind and bring only joy to all the flowers.
7. Театральная постановка
A Good Lesson
The Red Rose- Красная Роза
The Daisy-Ромашка
The Peony-Пион
The Baby Wind- Ветерок
(Все цветы просыпаются , качают головками и приветствуют друг друга)
The Daisy- Good morning! It is wonderful today, isnt it?
All flowers together - Yes, it is!
Violets- Good morning, dear! We cant but agree with you! And the sun isnt very hot today. We are so happy! Happy!
Bluebells- Ding-Dong! The dew is fine, the sun is in the sky! And we sing a song: Ding-Dong! Ding-Dong!
Violets- Good Morning, Miss Rose! How do you do?
The Red Rose ( не обращает внимание на приветствие и не отвечает, затем произносит гордо)- Im a queen in this garden, and they are just the modest flowers. Im the best, I am the star!
The Peony ( грустно, прижимая руки к сердцу)- Yes, you are the star of my heart! You are so beautiful, I love you!
The Red Rose-Aha-ha! You are so funny! You are so purple! The sun shines just for me, and the wind wouldnt blow until I let him. Im the queen!
The Baby Wind-I am the baby Wind and I want to play! (подбегает к каждому цветку и дует на него)
All flowers together- ( склоняют головки, укрываются лепестками) Oh, Baby Wind, you are so strong!
The Red Rose- I am not afraid of you! Look at my thorns! (выставляет вперед свои шипы)
The Baby Wind- (дует сильнее и срывает красные лепестки с розы) It will be a good lesson for you! Dont be so proud!
The Red Rose- (плачет) Oh! I am so ugly without my beautiful
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