уя цифры, знаки и фразу, кодируют информацию. Затем группы меняются кодами и готовят свои версии раскодированной информации). (слайд 12 - As the legend goes. . . , According to the legend. . . , Under the legend. . . ) Use these phrases for your speaking.
V. Заключительный этап урока и домашнее задание.
At the beginning of our lesson we congratulate each other with International Day of Happiness. How did you do it? (слайд 13 - фразы поздравления) My congratulations with the Day of Happiness! Wishing you a Great Day of Happiness! Happy Happiness Day! Its a tradition to give presents each other on holidays. What symbol can be a present for such day? Of course a bird of happiness. I have envelopes of happiness for you. (слайд 14 - птица счастья). Lets do it! Look at me and do the same. Lets present our birds to each other with congratulations. Who wants to congratulate our guests? (Учащиеся собирают птицу счастья и поздравляют друг друга и гостей).
My dear students if you like our lesson then show a bird of Happiness with your hands, if you think that the lesson is so-so show a snake and if you dont like our lesson show me a hedgehog.
For your homework make a list of ABC of Happiness for you, e. g. B-blue sky. If you want to learn more about it write down a family for this word, e. g. happy adj. (слайд 15 - спасибо), dont forget about the dictionary.
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