ной и письменной речи;
самостоятельно отбирать языковой материал, необходимый для составления монологического высказывания на английском языке. (процесс приготовления пиццы).
Ход учебного занятия
Структурный компонент учебного занятия
Действия учителя
Действия учащихся
Warm - up
Good morning, students!
Nice to see you again!
To begin with, I suggest you playing one game.
You should look at the board, at the center of the board you can see a word "food", you should remember some words connected with this topic.
Good morning, teacher!
Nice to see you too!
During several minutes students fill in the diagram.
Введение нового лексического материала
Of course there are a lot of other words in this topic, so lets know some of them.
I will give you some cards , you have the pictures and the words, you should match them together (sausage, tomato, pineapple, strawberry, cereal, grape, ham, pasta, butter, mushroom, olive, cherry, garlic, cheese, chocolate, raspberry, olive oil)
O. K. and now lets check it.
Words on topic "Food"
Students match words and pictures on the cards and then check them on the board
Students check their answers on the board
Активизация лексико-грамматического материала
To know the words better lets look at the board, you should cross out the odd word:
grape - pineapple - orange - sausage
cherry - strawberry - butter - raspberry
chicken - olive oil - meat - sausage
cereal - orange juice - water - tea
Students find the odd word and cross it out.
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