Лондон и его достопримечательности

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Тема: Лондон и его достопримечательности.
Цель урока: Тренировать учащихся в умении пользоваться ранее введённым речевым материалом, неосознанное и непроизвольное запоминание слов и грамматических форм, быстрое и правильное общение. Переработка материала.
ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ: лексические карточки по темам "FOOD", "RESTAURANT", "SHOP", "SCHOOL", "SIGHTSEEING", картинки с данной лексикой, магнитофонная запись.
Ход урока
I Организационный момент
1. Вводная речь учителя о ходе урока, целях и задачах.
T: Hello! Hello, everybody! What a nice day it is today, isnt it? Look at the window! The sun is not shining yet; the sky is covered with clouds. Our weather today is like Englands weather, isnt it? Do you like such weather? I do! Today at the lesson we are going to visit London- the capital of the UK! In our class 3 groups of pupils are present. They are from different countries: from Great Britain, from the USA, from Australia and from Russia of course.
II Основная часть
Your 1-st task is - you have to be acquainted with each other. With the help of 2 journalists from the UK and from Australia youll make friends with each other.
A journalist from the UK, you are welcome, please, but 1-st will you speak about yourself? Then you are welcome to interview anybody you like.
P1рассказывает о себе, задаёт вопросы другим учащимся:
Hello! My name is . . . I am 12. I am from the UK. My hobby is. . . my favorite sport is. . . , my telephone number is. . . , my favorite subject at school is. . .
-What is your name?
-What is your surname?
-Where are you from?
-How old are you?
-What is your hobby?
-What is your favourite sport? Etc.
То же самое в режиме

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