Контрольные работы по английскому языку 7-9 класс

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A 10 P. Knight, B. Bowerman and J. Johnson were responsible for different spheres of the business in the company.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated
A 11 Famous athletes were employed to advertise the companys shoes.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated
A 12 The company Nike was called after a character from an ancient myth.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated
A 13 Nikes logo was created by a famous advertising company.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated
A 14 The Nike company paid a large amount of money for creating th汳杯湡ꬠ畊瑳䐠瑉ㄍ牔敵慆獬丠瑯猠慴整
Лексико-грамматический тест I четверть
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John was not surprised to see that nobody had met him at the station. The weather B4(BE) awful — it was windy and it was raining hard. His B5(FOOT) got wet in seconds. His old jacket B6(NOT CAN) defend him from the rain or the wind. If I dont find a shelter and a warm drink, I B7(GET) a cold, and no one will benefit from my coming here, John said to B8(HE) and went back inside the railway station. It was the B9(ONE) time the seventeen-year-old John had ever left his home village where he lived with his mother and two sisters. A letter from his uncle was a surprise but not a pleasant one. His uncle had written that his health was getting worse and that he B10(NEED) someone to help him in his grocery shop. Johns mother decided that he B11(GO) to the town to work in the shop. He was far from feeling delighted about it but he was the B12(OLD) child in the family and it was his duty to help his mother and to support his sisters.

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