Какие самые известные достопримечательности твоего города

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Приложение 1
Dear Friend,
Hi! My name is Nick. I live in the United States of America. Its a beautiful country with many different things which are worth seeing. I propose to look at the presentation about Seven Wonders of America.
The seventh wonder is a wonderful bridge which has the name "Golden Gate". Its height is more than a hundred kilometers.
The sixth wonder is situated in state Missouri, city St. Louis. Its the Gateway Arch. Its a great monument.
The fifth wonder known all over the world is the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France and it represents American liberty.
The fourth wonder of the USA is the Mount Rushmore. Its a big sculpture of American presidents carved into a mountain.
The third wonder, my favourite, is Niagara Falls. They stretch from Canada to America. They are really wonderful and impressive.
The second wonder is Hoover Dam. This large dam is situated in state Arizona.
And the top of American wonders is the Grand Canyon, one of the biggest canyons in the world. Its length is about 4 with half hundred kilometers.

Boys and girls, my country is very big like yours. And it has many different cities and towns. (Slide 1) My hometown is Pigeon Forge founded in around 1820 by Isaac Love. Its a small town in state Tennessee for tourists. There are many sights, a

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