by, programmer, sport, chat, museum, information, communication)
Now it is the time to fill the table. Are you able to read and discuss the problems connected with the computer?
Оценивают работу- могут ли они сказать о том где и как используются компьютеры.
In the next hall you see that computers are used in different jobs.
-And now lets work in small groups. I have 4 cards with a situation. I give a card to each group. In groups you discuss the situation and one pupil speaks aloud. For example: the first situation is you are a programmer. How you use computer. You say that you use computer for work, for searching for information. Other groups listen to the speaker and mark what the speaker has said.
Situations: 1. You are a programmer.
2. You are a pupil.
3. You are a manager.
4. You are a teacher.
Now it is the time to fill the table. Are you able to make a story about the computer?
оценивают - смогут ли они составить рассказ об использовании компьютеров в разных сферах деятельности.
Now we are at the end of our excursion.
T: Children, what have we learnt today?
-P: How we use computers.
Computers are necessary in our life. But we must not forget about our friends who want to meet and go to the park for a walk, about parents who wait your help, about health.
Your flashcards are full of information. And now you tell me whether you understand everything or not.
Count your points please.
- Your homework will be
8-9 - to make up a monologue about how you use a computer.
6-7-to read the text and retell one of the opinion, ex 86 p 27
4-5-to learn the words and read and translate the text. Ex 85 p 2
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