Как мы используем компьютер в нашей жизни

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r/>T: Now lets check.
P: We use a computer to send. . . . . .

T: Look at the screen. You are given the words. Try to guess with what word you can connect them.

Games, programmer, personal, graphics, program, science.

P: it is a computer.
T: You are right. Today we continue speaking about the means of communication and it will be a computer.
Today I invite you to visit the Computer History Museum.
And how do you think what we shall know here? (слайд с картинками , где показаны , где используются компьютеры).
Определяем цель урока.
P: how we can use computers in our life.
Постановка цели.
T: At the end of the lesson you have to be ready to give the answer for this question.
So at our lesson you will know new words and word combinations connected with the computer. We shall read, write, speak about the computers.
Is everything clear what we shall do today at our lesson.

T: Lets start our excursion in the museum.
- if you want to know more about the computers and save the information about it, we have to fill our flash cards. You can find them on the desks. We have to activate them.

1) Find the right codes (ex 84 p 26)- на слайде 5 слов. Зачитываю характеристику, дети угадывают.

-The machine which is used for sending or receiving copies of printed material, letters, pictures along a telephone line. (a fax machine)

-A system for sending or receiving speech over long distances. (telephone)

-An international network of computers. It has electronic mail and provides a large amount of information. ( Internet)

-An electronic machine that can store and recall information, do many processes on it. (Computer).

-A method of using com

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