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cow State University in 1755. This university, officially named after Lomonosov, is at the apex of the Russian system of higher education.
A. Pushkin said about Lomonosov:
" Lomonosov was a great man. . . . He founded the first Russian university: or to express it more correctly he himself was our first university".
M. V. Lomonosov made many important discoveries in different fields of science: physics, chemistry, astronomy. The last period of Lomonosovs activity was connected with his scientific invesnigation in navigation. He tried to find a short sea route from the West to the East through the Arctic Ocean.
His literary works remain one of the most significant pages of Russian literature in the 18 th century.
Russian critic Belinsky wrote of Lomonosov, "Our literature begins with Lomonosov; he was its father and mother,he was its Peter the Great.
At the end of his life in 1764 Lomonosov was elected honorary member of the Stocholm and Bologna Academies.
In 1765, Lomonosov caught a cold and died on the 15th of April 1765 at age 54. He is buried in the cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Monastery in St Petersburg.
Lomonosov is widely known and honoured in our country. The Russian Academy of Sciences awards Lomonosov honorary medals in scientific achievement - one to a Russian and one to a foreign scientist.
What are these historical dates remarkable for?
1711; 1736; 1755; 1764; 1765.
The Golden Age of Russian Literature
Alexander Pushkin
(1799 - 1837)
Alexander Pushkin, the father of Russian letters, was the author of over seven hundred lyric poems. He wrote also the volumes of narrative poetry, dramatic works, short stories, and made adaptations of Russian fairy tales. It is one of the Russi

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