International Organizations

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Тақырыбы: Тема: Theme: International Organizations.
Сабақтың мақсаты: Цель занятия: Aims: 1. Teach students to find out the main information in the text. 2. Revise grammar material: Modal Verbs - should, ought to and had better. 3. Practice students in using new material in speech.
Негізгі ұғымдар: Основные понятия:Main ideas: Lexical minimum of the topic International Partners (Words of cooperation and political terms); grammar definitions: Modal Verbs (should, ought to and had better).
Сабақтың әдістемелік жағынан қамтамасыз етілуі: Методическое обеспечение : Aids: Sets of cards, additional literature, posters, Grammar Reference, articles of newspapers, etc.
Сабақтың типі: Тип занятия:Lesson type: Practice. The lesson of new lexical material.
Сабақтың әдіс-тәсілдері: Методы и приемы: The Methods and acceptance: Activisation of vocabulary on the theme International Partners with using of different methods (group discussions; surveys; creative writing; research reading; role-plays; task oriented games; etc. ).
Describing systems
Comparing international organizations
Guessing the meanings of the new words
Giving opinions
Extracting information
Playing roles by using the modal verbs
Сабақ жоспары: План занятия: The Procedure of the Lesson.
I. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі. Организационный момент. Greetings. Orgmoment. Preliminaries. Сhecking attendance.
Objective: To reduce students anxiety and increase their willingness to speak.
Activities: short games; review games; making surveys or lists; quick pair or group discussions; etc.
Controversial statements
Task: Controversial statements – All the cars should be yellow, Everyone should do military service, etc
II. Оқушылардың біл

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