вать развитию умения отстаивать свою точку зрения;
- способствовать развитию культуры взаимоотношений при работе в парах, группах, коллективе;
- содействовать развитию эстетического вкуса, культуры речи;
- содействовать развитию интереса к изучению иностранного языка;
- содействовать повышению уровня мотивации на уроках через средства обучения;
- содействовать воспитанию культуры общения, потребности в самовоспитании;
The structure
-Good morning, students. I glad to see you today. Do you want to play?
We shall play games in this lesson.
Let , s begin.
1st game
"Lets get acquainted"
(use toilet paper)
-Please, take some toilet paper, you must wind round it your hand and tell us about yourself something interesting. And stop talking when paper is finished.
2 nd game
-You must show sentences acting, without talking . You must not your voice.
These sentences should be in present continuous tense.
Use these sentences:
I am playing football.
I am dancing.
I am taking a shower.
I am doing morning exercises.
I am watching TV.
3 rd game
"English massage"
( two teams)
-I show last players a letter , they write this letter on the back of players who stands before them and continue to first players. The First players write the letter on the board and say a word on this letter.
Use the letters: b, d, r, e, f, c, u, t.
4 th game
"True sentences"
( use a line)
-You stay on the line and listen my sentences. If a sentence is true you jump to the right. If a sentence is false you jump to the left and correct this
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