Home, my sweet home

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f " curtain". (шторка )When it opens the pupils see the right answers and check themselves and the pupil at the board.
(slide 17)
VII. Describe the pictures. Work in groups.
On each pupils place there is a sticker of three colours :blue, red and green. So, pupils make up three groups according to their colour. . Each group is given a picture to describe. Pupils should use words on the theme in structures "There is/are".
VIII. Marks. Teacher counts the number of stickers of each pupil and gives the mark according to criteria given before.
IX. Home task. Draw a picture of your room and describe it.
X. Give your mark for the lesson. I like it.
I dont like it.
It was boring.
XI. Conclusion. At this lesson youve learned how to describe rooms using words on the theme and grammar structure "There is/are".
Thank you for the lesson!

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