br/>Playing scrabble
Aircraft modelling. . .
(W) Allow time for learners to discuss the results, monitor for use of English and offer differentiation by support by, for example, using model language as necessary.
Learners write down specific vocabulary for analysis in the copybooks:
Some, several, most of the students, the majority of the students, only few of them. . .
Learners analyse and count the answers of their classmates. They are given a sample sentence:
Some of my classmates like playing volleyball.
Most of my classmates are fond of listening to music.
All the boys (brothers) like to play football.
The majority of the girls (sisters) are fond of cooking.
The most favourite hobby for kids are reading and mechanics.
The most favourite hobbies for teens are listening to music, reading, modelling and origami.
Learners answer the teachers questions: What are most favourite hobbies in Kazakhstan? What do the students of our school like to do?
Appendix 1
Vocabulary quiz
slide 3
Appendix 2
Survey sheet
Teacher can use this for some ideas:
http://www. buzzle. com/articles/popular-hobbies. html - most popular hobbies in the world
PPP S 3-4
5 min.
Teacher writes a model sentence on the board to
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