black cats, spiders, Jack-olantern are the symbols of Halloween.
Children put on different costumes of monsters.
Children go around the streets and ask for sweets.
3. Competition "Funny Faces" (воздушные шары на нитках, 1 шарик - образец, музыка)
You can see 4 balls in the air. You task is to draw a face of Jack - olantern (show the example). You may do it just in time when music plays. When music stops you have to change with your partner and so on. Ребята рисуют мордашки, не касаясь руками шаров.
4. Word Search. Now its time for scary Word Search. Put the letters in the pumpkins in the right order and you will get the words. Each letter of these words is under a certain number. So, put these numbers at the bottom of the page and you will get know what monsters have had for breakfast. См. приложение 2
5. Dramatizing
I need two people from each team. Come here (раздать роли). Its a tall tree. I said a tall tree. Ученик изображает дерево. Its a sunny day today. The sun is shining. Where is the sun? Ah, here it is. Появляется ученица. Она изображает солнце. Suddenly a light wind is blowing. It is blowing through the tree. Третий ученик пробегает мимо дерева и солнца. The wind brings a big grey cloud with him. Ветерок тащит за собой четвёртого участника - тучу. The cloud is growing bigger and bigger. Now its so big it can hide the sun. Участник - туча закрывает собой солнце. The wind is so strong that the birds cannot fly. The birds move from side to side. Два участника - птицы идут, качаются из стороны в сторону, размахивая руками. The birds are sitting on the branches of the tree. Участники изображают эту сцену. The wind stopped, the sun is shining through the cloud. The birds are singing happily. Here comes
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