Great Victory

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lacards in the streets, in the shop windows and on
the front of large buildings.
On Victory Day morning there are meetings and demonstrations of the veterans who fought in
the Great Patriotic War.
On that day there is military parade in all big cities of our country.
(Text 2) Flowers and souvenirs are given to those who took part in the Great Patriotic War.
There are a lot of people in the streets and squares, at theatres, cinemas and concert halls. They
are all celebrating their holiday. Many people go to see their friends or go for walks in the parks.
In the evening there is a holiday salute and a minute of silence to remember all those who did not
come back from the war.
Now, if youve been attentive, you are able to answer the questions:
Which is one of the great holidays in our country?
How do people prepare for Victory Day?
How do people decorate the streets for Victory Day?
How do people celebrate Victory Day?
Where do people go in the evening?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы.
4. Работа с презентацией. Викторина. Teacher: Do you know well the facts, connected with
the Great Patriotic War? Lets have a look. Id like you to divide into 2 teams and take part in a
special quiz.
Класс делится на 2 группы, демонстрируются слайды с вопросами, команда, правильно
ответившая на вопрос, получает балл, после каждого вопроса даётся информация на
После подведения итогов проводится беседа между командами - согласись или не
согласись, учитель предлагает по 3 высказывания командам для проверки полученной
Teacher: Thank you for your work. The lesson is over, your home task is to create a postcard to a
veteran of the War.
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