Жизнь в городе или в деревне

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ing of the birds.
-The noise of the water.
- In the country, in town.
VII. Закрепление новой информации, соотнесение полученной информации с уже имеющимися знаниями.
T. Now you know how to express your point of view. You will need these expressions when you have a discussion with somebody. But knowing these expressions is not enough. You need to know some rules for discussion. Here we have some of them. Lets read them and see if they are good rules for discussion or not:
1. Never interrupt. 2. Never listen to others. What you are saying is most important. 3. Be polite. Attack the problem, not the person. 4. Dont shout. 5. Push others if they dont listen to you. 6. Make notes. 7. Ask questions. 8. Listen with an open mind. 9. Focus on the problem.
Учащиеся читают правила ведения дискуссии и выбирают подходящие.
T: And now answer my question:
Where is the life better in a city or in the country?
You may use these words and the word сombinations on the blackboard in your speech.
On the one handС одной стороны
On the other handС другой стороны
As for meЧто касается меня
I (dont) agree with youЯ (не) согласна с тобой
Besides-Кроме того
because - потому что
because of - из-за
My opinion is that…-Мое мнение…
To my mind…- по-моему
In my opinion… - по моему мнению
I am for/against… - Я за/против…
VIII. Речевой практикум.
T. Well-done! And now we will express your own opinions about living in the city and in the village. Lets divide into two groups. One group will give reasons in favour of living in the village, the other group - reasons in favour of living in the city.
IX. Заключительный этап. Рефлексия.
T. Good work, students. You did really very well. Guess what are th

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