Жизнь и творчество М. Ю. Лермонтова

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sthumously discovered in his notebook. Lermontovs life must be viewed as one of the most epic and dramatic in the history of literature.

3 Закрепление изученного материала.
Nowwellworkingroups. Работа в группах. (Раздаточный материал). Викторина о М. Ю. Лермонтове.
1. The city where the future poet was born. (Moscow) - Город, вкотором родился будущий поэт. (Москва)
2. The names of the parents Lermontov. (YuryPetrovich, MariaMikhailovna)
3. The village where he spent his childhood. (Tarkhany)
4. Surname (Фамилия) of the grandmother of the poet. (E. A. Arsenyeva)
5. Hobby of M. Y. Lermontov. (Drawing; Painting)
6. A musical instrument that is played Lermontov. (Violin)
7. The city in the Caucasus, named in honour of the poet. (Lermontov)
8. Part of the Russian Empire where most of the life spent Lermontov. (the Caucasus) - ЧастьРоссийскойимперии, гдебольшуючастьжизнипровёлЛермонтов. (Кавказ)
9. The name of the river in the North Caucasus. (Terek)
10. The city, which Lermontov mentions (упоминает) in his novel" A Hero of our time". (Pyatigorsk)
11. The name of the poet and writer, which Lermontov thought to be his teacher, never even saw him. (A. S. Pushkin)
12. The name of the German poet, whose translations have been made (чьипереводыделал) Lermontov. (Goethe)
13. The poem written in the form of a story of an old soldier. (Borodino) - Стихотворение, написанное в форме рассказа старого солдата. (Бородино)
14. The name of the writer, which Lermontov met in Moscow, when he went into exile
( вссылку) to the Caucasus. (N. V. Gogol)
15. The name of the mountain, at the foot of which occurred last duel (произошлапоследняядуэль) Lermontov. (Mashuk) - Название горы, у под

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