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The theme of the lesson: «Gardening in England»
Date: 15. 02. 16
Grade: The sixth
Образовательная – Изучение нового лексического материала по теме «Gardening», повторение грамматического материала по теме «Past Simple»
Воспитательная –воспитание положительного отношения к труду
Развивающая – развитие внимания, памяти
Materials: School book «English 6» Аяпова, Абильдаева, картинки, загадки, карточки
Этап урокаДеятельность учителяИспользование ТСО и других средств наглядности
- Good afternoon, pupils! Sit down, please!
-Whats your name?
-How are you today? Ask each other!
-How old are you?
- Where do you live?
- What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? How is the weather today?
-Where were you yesterday? Where were you last summer?
-Now, listen to me and guess some of the riddles (puzzles)!
1. It is vegetable.
It is not small.
It is red(Tomato).
2. It is vegetable.
It is big. We use it on Halloween
It is orange. (Pumpkin).
3. It is vegetable.
It is long.
It is orange. (Carrot)
-What vegetables do you like?
- Do you have a garden?
As you know, the theme of our lesson is «Gardening in England» and you had the home task to this theme. Lets check it!A blackboard
2. Studying
(35 min )
- What was your home task?
- Home task page 114, ex. 1, page 115, ex. 5, ex. 6.
-Also you should translate the new words. Lets check them and repeat all the words after me. Open your books, page 115, ex. 3. Read the transcriptions of the words.
- Checking the page 114, ex. 1. Look at the blackboard and guess the word:
Tlantp eetrs regadn prune shawitwhe joyen owersfl rewat brchan eadd ogrw

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