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Совершенствование навыков восприятия и понимания речи на слух

Активизация лексического материала

Совершенствование навыков чтения

Совершенствование лексических навыков
To brush up your ears I want you to listen to the poem (p55) and answer the question: What is the best thing about friends? What do you share with you friend?

To be sure that you are ready to continue working I want you to find the words in bold type in the text ex2b. Read them!
Match these words with the definitions from ex 2c
Now I want you to make your own sentences with these words.

Where, do you think, people find friends?
I want to show you that you may find friends in unusual places. What are these places? Read the texts and you will know. (p56 ex2b)
Relax for eyes
To brush up your active vocabulary of the lesson I want you to complete the sentences from ex3a
IIIОкончание урока
1. рефлексия
2. дом. задание
3. отметки урока
Формирование у учащихся способности к анализу учебной деятельности
Now I think you are ready to make a portrait of an ideal friend.
You have 1 min to think over your ideas.
You may start like this:
"A true friend is a person. . . ",
"An ideal friend is a person . . . ",
"True friendship is a thing. . . " and so on.
So lets see what you have! Numbers correspond (match) to letters of the Alphabet. What was the most difficult task for you?
(the easiest task)

At home:

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