Формы организации познавательной деятельности:
фронтальная работа;
индивидуальная работа;
Технологическая карта:
Этап урока
Приемы и методы
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность ученика
Используемые электронные образовательные ресурсы
Вводная часть
- Good afternoon pupils!
-Im glad to see you.
- How are you today?
-Who is on duty today?
- . . . . . . please, tell me,what day is it today?
- What date is it today?
- Who is absent?
-Please, tell me, whats the weather like today?
- So,boys and girls,do you know what holiday is celebrated today?
-Right you are!
You know, there is a tradition of exchanging. . . . . . . . So, Im going to give these small Valentine cards for your correct answers.
Хором: Good afternoon, teacher. Nice to see you too.
Were fine, thank you.
P1:Im on duty today.
P1: Today is Tuesday. Today is the 14th of February.
Pupils: St. Valentines Day
Valentine cards.
Сообщение темы, цели, задач урока и мотивация учебной деятельности
Активизация творческого мышления
But whats the topic of our lesson?
Look at the board, please, and try to guess.
What is it? Do you know?
You are right.
Well done.
Very good.
Now lets practice the sounds.
Мозговой штурм
P1: Its a picture.
Ученики собирают пазл.
-Parts of Speech
P1. . . .
P2. . . . . .
P3. . . . . .
картинка на доске.
Актуализация фонетических навыков
отработка произносительных навыков - з
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