Food and drink

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Grade: 6
The theme: Food and drink
Aims: to present countable and uncountable nouns
to teach how to talk about food and drink
to teach how to use "there is/are, there was/were"
to develop the pupils writing, reading, speaking skills.
Resources: English book, cards, stickers, slide
Types of the lesson: mixing lesson.
Procedure of the lesson:
I. Organization moment: - Good morning children!
Good morning teacher!
How are you?
What is the date today?
Today is. . .
Today I want to mark you with cards(әр бір дұрыс жауапқа бір карточка беріледі)
Well, Ill check- up the home task.
I. Check up the home task:
To work with answer the question using Present simple:
Do you speak in English? . . . .
Does she play football? . . . .
Does he go to Paris? . . . .
Do they go to London? . . . .
Do we come back to England? . . .
II. Warming up activities.
a) Lets sing song "I like food"
Yellow, yellow
My favourite food is yellow
Its very, very good
My favourite food is yellow
I like. . . I like. . .
I like bananas
Yum, yum, yum
Brown, brown,
My favourite food is brown
Its very, very good
My favourite food is brown
I like. . . I like. . .
I like biscuits
Yum, yum, yum. . .
b) Study these words countable and uncountable nouns:
Oranges-апелсин coffee-кофе
Apples-алма tea-чай
Bananas-банан juice-шырын
Grapes-жүзім bread-нан
Eggs-жумыртқа milk-сүт
Tomatoes-қызанақ cheese-сыр
Biscuits-печенье butter- май
Potatoes-картоп sugar-секер
Carrots-сәбіз rice-күріш
III. Pair work:
Well, Ill give your paper cards. Y

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