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r/>The essay is available at: http://www. resort. com/prime8/Orwell/patee. html
http://wikilivres. info/wiki/PoliticsandtheEnglishLanguage
http://www. netcharles. com/orwell/essays/politics-and-the-english-language. htm
http://orwell. ru/library/essays/politics/english/epolit
http://mla. stanford. edu/Politics&Englishlanguage. pdf
Bertrand Russell was best known as a philosopher, logician and social critic. He wrote clearly and with great lucidity.
Much of his work is available online:
http://users. drew. edu/jlenz/brtexts. html
Perhaps the most useful piece for students is How I Write. This can be accessed at:
http://www. davemckay. co. uk/philosophy/russell/russell. php?namehow. i. write
In this document (paste into Word and enlarge the font size).
It gives an insight into the process of writing and some simple rules one may wish to follow

Writing Guides
There are many guides to writing available. Some which come highly recommended are:
The Elements of Style, William Strunk JR. and E. B. White
http://www. amazon. co. uk/Elements-Style-William-Strunk-Jr/dp/020530902X/refsr11?ieUTF8&qid1321955875&sr8-1
Pocket Fowlers Modern English Usage, Robert Allen (ed. )
http://www. amazon. co. uk/Pocket-Fowlers-English-Paperback-Reference/dp/019923258X/reftagdpplpedppttlin
The Penguin Guide to Punctuation, R. L. Trask
http://www. amazon. co. uk/Penguin-Guide-Punctuation-Reference-Books/dp/0140513663/refsr11?sbooks&ieUTF8&qid1321956240&sr1-1
An essay without a clear purpose is liable to become unfocussed. Coherence may be lost and, if it is, logic will most likely disappear as well.
Here are some activities to help e

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