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Essay Writing Toolkit
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Общеобразовательная школа I-III ступеней 2 отдела образования администрации города Кировсоке
Essay Planner
An excellent essay planner is available at: http://www. readwritethink. org/files/r resources/interactives/essaymap/

This resource helps students map out their essay in advance. It breaks the process down into simple steps and provides a clear, visual overview. Essay maps can be printed, saved or shared once complete. Blank essay maps can be printed off if students do not have computer access (this feature is available from the first page of the link).

Alternative Plans
A range of ways to plan essays:
Write a summary of your main argument. This is particularly helpful for clarifying and refining ideas.
Write the first sentence of each paragraph. These should answer the question and form a coherent whole.
Write the conclusion first. Then, work out what you will need to include in order to reach it.
Bullet point your introduction, main body, and conclusion.
Create a spider diagram with the essay question at the centre.
Draw out sub-questions from the title. Order the series of questions you create and answer each in turn.
Create a table. Put your key points across the top. Evidence for and evidence against goes along the side (for example - http://www. activehistory. co. uk/Miscellaneous/freestuff/essayplanner/index. htm)

Command Words
Command words are those words which indicate to a student what they ought to do in their essay.
Here are some examples:

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